Established in May 2024 at the request of Japan Karatedo Chidokai (JKC), Swiss-Chidokai is a network of Chidokai Dojos and practitionners in Switzerland. Swiss-Chidokai Dojos are directly connected to JKC and fully affiliated to the Swiss Karate Federation, while also maintaining close relationships with kindred organizations in Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand.
Chidokai is a Karatedo school in the tradition of Shoto Ryu, the Shotokan style established by Funakoshi Sensei on the basis of the teachings of Itosu Sensei and Azato Sensei. It was founded in Japan on 8 November 1954 by Takeshi Sasaki Sensei, who learned Karatedo from Funakoshi Sensei and Obata Sensei. Sasaki Sensei passed away in 1992, but his rich legacy lives on through the Japan Karatedo Chidokai (JKC). Chidokai’s rigorously structured training curriculum is an integral part of our tradition. It is strictly observed at each and every training session, leaving no room (or need) for improvisation. The strength and distinctiveness of Chidokai training lie in the progressive study of Kihons, i.e. basic techniques that become increasingly complex as the student graduates up the scale of successive Kyu grades (coloured belts). After learning basic etiquette, the beginner is first taught static punching and kicking techniques, followed by exercises that gradually introduce basic stances and mobility. Chidokai’s 15 precisely codified Kihon Katas provide a strong foundation for the study of the Heian and advanced Katas, while Kumite technique is refined through practice of a specific programme of safe exercises. Overall, this systematically structured training programme, combining Kihon, Kata and Kumite, makes Chidokai unique among Karatedo schools.
Chidokai embodies the very essence of martial art. Its Chi is life energy. Its Do, our way. To seek it is a journey of self-discovery gounded in respect, tradition, and shared values. The connection between students and their trainers goes way beyond karate technique; it fosters a deep understanding of the ethical principles that guide our practice - not mere words but a guiding light for our actions, both on and off the mat.
Chidokai emphasizes the importance of absolute courage, honor, loyalty, sincerity, courtesy, and self-control – values that shape our community. Our trainers are dedicated to preserving the unique techniques of Chidokai Karatedo and sharing their knowledge and passion with each and every student. This sharing of knowledge strengthens our bonds and enriches our understanding of the art.
We strive to uphold these principles in our training and throughout our lives.